You will be asked for data and then you will receive an email of successful registration to the site. To complete and activate the account you will need to click on the ACTIVATE ME button in the received email. You will be automatically sent back to a web page of the site Ceramic Machinery Auctions. At this point you will have to complete the registration by clicking on the CONFIRM button. A new page with a message will advise you that your account has been confirmed and is now active. Now you can participate in auctions !! |
You can search for the machine that you are interested for by browsing through the categories, through the search filter or if you feel particularly lucky by consulting the "Hot Items" section. |
To participate in an auction, you must always before, Login to the site. Some auctions require the payment of a deposit in order to participate.
To pay the deposit you can use
It is also possible to pay by Credit Card (Mastercard, VISA, American Express and others) through the
Payment by If you prefer you can pay by bank transfer and in this case you will be able to offer only once the amount has been received (bank time of 2-3 working days). The deposit will be refunded in any case at auction terminated . Please consult the terms for the return of the deposit in the FAQ’s. Some auctions does not require for the payment of the deposit , therefore, always after the Login to the site, you can start immediately to offer. |
4th Step : NOW YOU CAN BID - How to place an offer Top |
There are two types of offers, Static and through Proxy Bid. The Static offer is a fixed offer where you offer a defined value. Bid through Proxy Bid is an offer in which you indicate the maximum value you want offer for the lot you are interested in and the Proxy Bid automatically raises for you, increasing the minimum bid raise foreseen by the system , each time your bid is exceeded by another bidder, but only up to the maximum amount indicated previously by you in the apposite field Proxy Bid in the Auction Form.
To use the Proxy Bid, you must first insert a Static offer from which the system will start to make the minimum bid raises provided by the Proxy Bid, up to the maximum amount entered by you in the appropriate field. After inserting an offer, Static or via Proxy Bid, on the confirmation page of the same, the system will notify you if other users are using the Bid Proxy , at that time and in that auction, displaying a message saying " Someone is using the Proxy Bid system on this auction. Your offer could be exceeded shortly". Example : Auction Starting Price Euro 100.00. = Minimum raise € 20.00. = Bidder A: inserts a Static offer of Euro 150.00. = and contemporaneously a maximum bid through Proxy Bid of Euro 300.00. =. Bidder B: inserts a Static offer equal to the one suggested by the system with minimum bid raise and that is € 170.00.= Bidder A: the system, through the Proxy Bid, automatically re-lauch for the indicated minimum raise and so for Euro 190.00. = Bidder B: further raises with a Static offer for the minimum raise and that is Euro 210.00.= Bidder A: Proxy Bid automatically raises again the minimum raise and therefore for Euro 230.00 = and will continue to do the same operation every time its offer is exceeded and up to the maximum amount of Euro 300.00. =, previously indicated by the Bidder A. Once this amount has been reached, the Proxy Bid will cease to offer automatically and Bidder A may continue to offer by manually entering other Static offers, or re-programming the Proxy Bid for a bigger amount. If you made a mistake in entering the value of Proxy Bid or you have just changed your mind, to cancel it you will have to insert a bid by Proxy Bid with a lower value than before but not equal to "0" (for example insert "1" , always after entering a valid Static offer). A clarification. Doing so you will cancel the action of Proxy Bid and then block the automatic relaunch, but your last offer remains valid and can not be revoked. Attention !! The minimum raise amounts automatically change when the amount offered in Auction is changed and they do so on the basis of a scheme pre-defined by the system. The greater the amount reached in Auction as the value of the offer on machinery, the higher the minimum bid is allowed. The minimum raise is always indicated by the system during the Auction. |
5th Step : CONGRATULATIONS !!! You have won the lot !!Top |
CONGRATULATIONS !!! You have won the lot !! Now you just have to complete payment and collect the machines. Please see the section "Payments and withdrawal of the machines". |